Getting Started#



Instructions for installing science_jubilee, including integration with Jupyter notebooks.


science_jubilee provides a Python interface to operate a Jubilee. It is comprised of:

  • a Machine, which controls the Jubilee motion platform;

  • tools, which provide task-specific functionality;

  • decks, which can be attached to the Jubilee bed plate;

  • and labware to be used on the machine.

These tutorials focus on applications using a Lab Automation deck which holds 6 standard sized microplates, thus allowing Jubilee to navigate between labware wells. However, there is no requirement to use the Lab Automation deck, and you might find it useful to develop alternative decks for your application!

science_jubilee Primer

An introduction to key concepts, including: G-Code, coordinate systems, and an overview of the science_jubilee Python modules.

New User Guide

A complete start-to-finish walkthrough on running an experiment on Jubilee, starting with purchasing a machine.

Intro to the Machine Driver

Control the Jubilee motion platform and pickup tools using science_jubilee

Lab Automation Deck and Labware

Set up a lab automation deck and navigate wells using standard labware.

Pipetting Intro

Use the lab automation deck and the pipette tool to run a serial dilution.

Color Mixing Demo Guide

Run an autonomous optimization experiment on Jubilee.